Man Coughs Up Nail Stuck in Lung 35 Years

Man Coughs Up Nail 35 Years After Accident
His family rushing him to the hospital with a 105-degree temperature. There, doctors found the culprit, a small nail that had dropped down inside Hart’s body cavity and nestled inside his ribcage.

Doses of penicillin helped Hart heal, but since removing the metal would require major surgery and doctors suspected the nail would seal itself off in Hart’s body, the foreign object was forgotten for years.

“If it ain’t broke, don’t fix it,” Hart said.

Years later, the nail turned up again on a doctor’s x-ray, but again, the unobtrusive item was left alone.

Then, three weeks ago, an internal camera captured an image of the nail during a routine doctor’s office visit. But it wasn’t in Hart’s ribcage area as he’d always thought — the object was actually in Hart’s lung. As Hart and his doctors made plans to remove the nail once and for all, natural physiology took over.

Apparently the mucociliary blanket is much tougher than I was led to believe.

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