Hello RTs!

I’ve added a new service called TypePad Connect, which will be a way for people to comment on this blog from other kinds of accounts – OpenID, Facebook, Livejournal, Blogger, lots of different kinds of accounts. It’s just a test and I’m not sure how well it will work. Try it out!

2 responses to “Hello RTs!”

  1. silvia szeliga RRT says:

    I remember when I graduated, I was very green and wet behind the ears with regards to RT. but I had wonderful teachers who inspired me! one of my teachers was awesome! I hope that one day I can bee like him. he took the time to explain the same point over and over again until the student finally understood!

    I have now been in the field for a few years and I know it gets frustrating and stressful, but if you keep an open line of communication with the nurses, and show the doctors that you are more than a “treatment monkey”, then the respect you desire will come to pass!!

  2. Secretia says:

    I just recently brought my old blog back to life @ https://aspiretorespire.blogspot.com/. It’s mostly my ramblings on hospital life but it has a great deal of useful older posts when I was a student. Please add me to your RT BLOG list 🙂

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