From the AARC:
AARC, the professional membership organization for your profession, is working diligently to advocate for new legislation benefitting respiratory therapists and their patients alike. But now is the time for RTs to take action for the SOAR Act! Advocate for your profession by filling out the form linked in the button below. The information you provide will be used to automatically reach out to your state’s senators and ask them to support the SOAR Act.
Senators Cassidy (R-LA), Warner (D-VA) and Klobuchar (D-MN) introduced the Supplemental Oxygen Access Reform (SOAR) Act – S 3821. The legislation is based on the 4 pillars of Medicare oxygen payment reform that the AARC has supported with many others in our broad coalition of patients, providers and the durable medical equipment (DME) industry. The SOAR Act creates a statutory service element to provide adequate reimbursement for respiratory therapists to ensure supplement oxygen patients have access to their expertise.For more information about the SOAR Act, please go here.